Atlas Mercury Anamorphic Prime Lenses

The Atlas Mercury Series lenses are 1.5x full-frame anamorphic lenses designed to deliver exceptional optical performance with a vintage character. They offer features like golden lens flares, excellent close-focus capabilities, near-zero chromatic aberration, and a unique geometric optical personality. These lightweight, compact lenses are ideal for a range of filming conditions, supporting various delivery aspects with enhanced bokeh and barrel distortion. Available in three focal lengths (36mm, 42mm, and 72mm) and at half the size and weight of typical anamorphic lenses they provide versatility and a cinematic quality for any situation.

Rental Rates

: $300 + HST
: $800 + HST
Focal LengthAperture RangeMin FocusWeightLengthFront DiameterSensor CoverageField of ViewFlange System
36mmT2.2 - T161.5 ft / .46 m2.7 lbs / 1.2 kg4.9 in / 12.6cm95mmFull-Frame (36.7mm x 25.54mm)88ºPL Mount
42mmT2.2 - T162.0 ft / .56 m2.3 lbs / 1.1 kg4.4 in / 11.2cm95mmFull-Frame78ºPL Mount
72mmT2.2 - T163.0 ft / .91 m3.6 lbs / 1.6 kg6.3 in / 16.2cm95mmFull-Frame44ºPL Mount